Query and Algorithms

NetworkX and Neo4j has been implemented for creation of ICD 11 graph. The parsed document for each of the node in ICD 11 graph has the following propreties:

"id": "496418968",
"code": "EB13.2",
"title": "Stevens-Johnson and toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap syndrome",
"defn": "A severe reactive skin disorder with features of both toxic epidermal...",
"syns": "NA",
"childs": ["1077457356"],
"parents": ["195467267"]

Implementation of NetworkX

  • Install networkx
pip install networkx
  • Import networkx in the current environment
import networkx as nx
  • Initiate vacant graph
G = nx.Graph()
  • Introduce node id and properties from each item of parsed Data
                   title = item['title'],\
                   code = item['code'],\
                   defn = item['defn'],\
                   childs = item['childs'],\
                   parents = item['parents'])
  • Introduce child relationship as edges of the graph from each item of parsed Data
        childs = item['childs']
        for c_id in childs:

Implementation of Neo4j

  • Install neo4j python driver
pip install neo4j
  • Import neo4j to current environment
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
  • Create a python driver
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri = "bolt://localhost:7687",\
                      auth = ("user","password"))
  • Clean the graph database, if using with pre-existing data
with driver.session() as session:
        session.run("MATCH (a) DETACH DELETE a")
  • Create nodes in the graph
for item in Data:
    with driver.session() as session:
        session.run("MERGE(a:Disease{ID: $ID}) "
                        "ON CREATE SET a.code = $code, \
                        a.title = $title, a.defn = $defn,\
                        a.syns = $syns, a.childs = $childs,\
                        a.parents = $parents",
            ID=item['id'], code=item['code'], title=item['title'],\
            defn=item['defn'], syns=item['syns'], childs=item['childs'],\
  • Create edge with relationship "parents"
with driver.session() as session:
    session.run("MATCH (a:Disease),(b:Disease) "
            "WHERE a.ID in b.parents "
            "MERGE (a)<-[r:Parent]-(b)")
  • Create edge with relationship "children"
with driver.session() as session:
    session.run("MATCH (a:Disease),(b:Disease) "
            "WHERE a.ID in b.childs "
            "MERGE (a)<-[r:Child]-(b)")