Setting UP ElasticSearch

Elasticsearch provides the functionality for Indexing and Search of the text documents. More information can be obtained from official website for Elasticsearch.

Downloading and Installing

  • Make sure that you have proper version of Java installed in your device

  • Download extract the elasticsearch and kibana from Elasticsearch website

  • Go to the bin folder and run ./elasticsearch

  • Elasticsearch functionality can be used from Python environment which need to use package elasticsearch and elasticsearch_dsl

  • Create the indexing of the documents

  • Run kibana by running ./kibana from bin folder of extracted kibana.

  • If index is successfully created, the new index can be seen at `localhost/IP:5601```

  • To run kibana reotely setup in the configuration file.

Sample Application with Python

  • Install packages in environment
pip install elasticsearch
pip install elasticsearch_dsl
  • Setting up Indexing
 request_body = {
        "settings": {
            "number_of_shards": 1,
        "mappings": {
            pubmed: {
                "properties": {
                    "pmid": {
                        "type": "keyword"
                    "mesh_heading": {
                        "type": "text",
                        "similarity": "BM25"
                        "type": "text"

es = Elasticsearch()
res = es.indices.create(index = pubmed, body = request_body)
  • Setup search
entity = "insulin"

s = Search(using=es, index="pubmed")\
                    .query("match_phrase", abstract=entity)

for hit in s.scan():

Read more

  1. Elasticsearch Documentation